
Saturday, April 22, 2017

Winnie & Walter Leading Lady - Take Four

Hello, peeps!  I'm having such a good time being Leading Lady at Winnie & Walter, and I really appreciate the comments you've been leaving me, both on my blog and the Winnie & Walter blog.  

So, here I am for Take Four.  I'm fascinated by the Mini Scenery: Bed of Roses stamp, and I wanted to try different ways of colouring it.  I suppose the most obvious way is to colour the actual flowers neatly inside the lines but I rarely colour neatly (on purpose - I much prefer to slosh colour around).  Here are the results of my little play session.

For my first card I raided my stash and found this piece of mixed media paper that had been coloured with various Distress Inks.  I just stamped in Versafine Onyx Black onto the panel, not really worrying about how the image lined up with the colours.  And to be honest, I don't think it matters, do you?  I trimmed the panel, ran a black marker pen around the edges and mounted it onto white card.

Another raid of my stash produced a panel that had been smooshed with Distress Inks.  Again, I just stamped over it in Versafine Onyx Black, trimmed the panel and ran a black marker pen around the edges before mounting it onto white card.

I think we'll call this next technique 'speed painting'!  I stamped the image onto white card, diluted some Worn Lipstick Distress Ink onto an acrylic block, loaded up my paintbrush and sloshed the colour on very quickly, without trying to fill all the white space.  I reloaded the brush and went over some of the areas again to get a deeper colour.  The background and border is Crushed Olive, although it looks quite yellow here.  I use a No. 4 round brush for all my Distress sloshing.

So, what happens when you splat Distress Stain onto the roses?  This!  I wanted the splats to extend beyond the image frame, so some of the flowers got double splats.

At that point, I thought I'd finished playing, but then I decided to ink the image with Distress Stains, stamp onto mixed media paper and pull the colour in with a wet paintbrush.  Distress Stains are juicier and more intense than Distress Ink, so there's more colour to work with than if you inked the image with a Distress inkpad.  I used a clean paintbrush and water, then if I needed extra colour I just lifted it from the residue on the stamp.

For my final card, I inked the stamp with Distress Stains exactly as I had on the previous card, stamped it onto mixed media paper, then spritzed water in stages until I got the effect I wanted: artsy (hopefully!).

Well, I hope you've enjoyed my little experiments, and seen how to get more mileage out of one stamp.  Maybe I've inspired you to try different ways of adding colour to your stamped images.

Shay has generously donated a $30 gift card for me to give away on my blog.  To be in with a chance of winning, just leave a comment on my blog (comments on the Winnie & Walter blog won't be included in the draw).  To increase your chances of winning, make sure you've also left comments on my previous Leading Lady posts on my blog:  Take One here, Take Two here, and Take Three here.

I'll see you next Saturday for my final post.


  1. It's so much fun to see the variety of looks from your different techniques!

  2. Oh how cool!! So many ways to use one stamp set :) love it

  3. Wow!!! Awesome cards and colouring!!!

  4. Such pretty color variations for this gorgeous Bed of Roses stamp! I love all the different looks!

  5. they are all wonderful! how fun!

  6. You've been such an inspiration as the W&W Leading Lady--thank you, Shirley! I especially love the first 2 cards & now I want to try inking a stamp with Distress Stains which I almost never use!

  7. love Winne & Walter products

  8. Wow love how using the water colors and inks in different ways gets such interesting results. I aIso like that you are not using many supplies but only one stencil to create these awesome cards. I am going to HAVE to play now and test out these different techniques lol!

  9. Love you day of play with the "bed of roses." Each give wondrous results. Pays to play!

  10. Hi Shirley ... I'm late to the party, but had to say what a fabulous Leading Lady you've been - may I choose a favorite? LOve the purple splats, girlfriend!!! xx

  11. Love your experimentation with this group of cards! You have done a fabulous job as leading lady and showcasing W&W. will see you next week.

  12. Very pretty set of rose cards. I like your method of sloshing color around.

  13. Oh fabulous ways to
    color all these cards!
    Really interesting.
    Carla from Utah

  14. I am usually so neat and controlled. This looks fun and I love the look of the top card!

  15. I love all your watercolored roses cards, Shirley. So many colorful variations. TFS My friend. Hugs..

  16. I love the way you loosely colored your flowers, and especially like the way you stamped right over a pre-colored watercolor background without worrying about where the images landed. So pretty

  17. Such great ideas for using a large background stamp. So many clever techniques and all so easy to create. Thanks for sharing. It certainly makes me want to try them out right now!

  18. Wow! So many different effects. They all look great. I'm itching to try them out!

  19. this cards are stunning and so beautiful!

  20. Holy heck, those are some fabulous cards! Loving the roses stamp first of all! Secondly, gorgeous floors all smushed together, not really coloring neatly those pretty flowers...way out side lines and comfort zone for me! Third, thanks so much for some fantastic inspiration! This might make me be a little messy in my creations!

  21. Oh are those eve pretty
    , gorgeous!

  22. Love all the different looks here and how you tried so many techniques, gorgeous effects!

  23. Wow you did a fabulous job of using the distress inks in so many neat ways.

  24. Wow! Absolutely gorgeous!!! Isn't it amazing how the colors totally change the 'feel' of a card! You are so THE master of ink dear friend!

  25. Love all of the various ways you colored this one set!

  26. Gorgeous collection of amazing and beautiful cards!

  27. Oooh I'm going to go look at what I can do with mine!

  28. Totally escaped me, that you are the Leading Lady at W&W - big congrats - you are so worthy of that honor! Gorgeous cards - off to look at the rest of them...

  29. wow love the cards you have created with this stamp

  30. These are all fabulous, Shirley ... and so you with all that delicious unstructured colouring! My favourite is the splat one ... there's such a brilliant sense of energy about it! Hugs, Anita :)

  31. amazing looks with just one it!
    xx Karen

  32. Such a fun set of cards using different techniques. I ordered this stamp set last weekend. It's been on my wish list since it was released.

  33. Love all these flowers and the way you coloured them. Thanks for sharing

  34. That rose stamp is gorgeous. And all of your cards are so artsy; love them.

  35. Each process is very different. I have to say I prefer the less random cards, but it is fun to try new things.

  36. I want to try these techniques tomorrow!! Thanks for sharing your talent!

  37. Great techniques. Thanks for sharing.

  38. I got behind on commenting on your amazing Leading Lady posts because I was down with a bug. So happy to get a chance to come back and look at these wonderful rose cards!!! I have so many sheets of watery backgrounds that would lend themselves to some of your techniques. I can't wait to try them!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com
